Take a Look in the Professional Mirror to Understand How You Really Come Across

Do you really know how you are perceived in the workplace and what others, both above and below, think of you?

If you are looking to grow in your role and in your effectiveness on the job, take a deep breath and determine to find the truth. You may think you know how you come across, but, as we have all learned in communication skills training, there are many different personal styles…some more easily understood than others.

Here are some ways to do to get a clear picture of that person in the mirror:

  • Check out what is said about you online. Better for you to get rid of any unprofessional or negative connections than to have someone else, a potential employer for instance, find them on Google.

  • Look for consistency in remarks about you and reactions to you. Review past performance reviews for common reactions. If you have been consistently praised as a team player, it is likely one of your true attributes. Pay attention to how people react to your plans, opinions and behavior. If you can look through an objective lens, the lessons are endless.

  • Conduct your own 360 with peers, your boss and your employees. Convince them of your genuine interest in your own growth and development and they will give you candid feedback.
Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/communication-skills-training/