Are You Using Science to Persuade Your Audience?

Are You Using Science to Persuade Your Audience?

A very interesting study by Cornell University claims that simply “the appearance of being scientific can increase persuasiveness.”

If you think about all the ads you see for pharmaceuticals or even toothpastes that have the actor in a white lab coat playing the role of a scientist or doctor, I guess the study results are not that surprising. But it does give those of us in the field of communication skills training an important tip for presenters…

Simply describing results in words is far less effective than presenting the results in a scientific-looking graph. We know that visuals can have more impact and are more memorable than simple talk. But if you package your message in a visual that has a scientific appearance, it may be even more powerful.

When you want to persuade your audience, use language or visuals that imply or demonstrate that science backs you up.

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