3 Tips for Making Points with Big Picture Folks

Have you noticed how quickly you can lose your audience when you launch into the nitty-gritty of your proposal? Keep an eye out next time you present. Chances are that if you are a technical type who loves analyzing the details, you will lose the attention of the folks who may be the very ones you need to support your ideas.

Try making a few adjustments to your approach. These 3 tips from communication skills training will help you make points with those who communicate differently from you but who are key to the success of your initiative.

  1. Take the time to relate. Remember that relationship matters to non-analyticals. Reach out to learn about their interests…both personal and professional.

  2. Observe audience reactions. Some detail is necessary but cover it only as it builds your case in the grander context. Skip to major points if you see that attention is wandering.

  3. Try to relax and be personable. If you are too intense, big picture people get wary. You might even admit that you are passionate about details and ask for their indulgence now and then.
Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/communication-skills-training/