The Simpler the Better

The simpler your emails, the more likely they are to be answered. Why? Because we are all alike in this respect…if it takes too much time or effort to understand what is being asked of us in an email, we prefer to move on to a request that makes more sense and is easier to respond to.

So keep this in mind as you compose your next emails. Is the subject compelling? Is your message simple? Is your action step clear?

Any communication skills training will recommend you think first of your objective. Write it down. Then revise, revise, revise until it is as simply stated as possible. Take a break and then put yourself in your reader’s shoes. Would you respond to such a request? If not, try again.

Many writers try to impress with their extensive vocabulary and the point is lost. Use the language you would use in a conversation. You are much more likely to get a timely response and the results you want.